Plagues, Peoples and Pharmaceuticals: The Politics of the Pandemic.

First of all, I would like to state that I am NOT a physician or a trained medical professional.
I AM a human being and a taxpayer and I am disgusted with the way the COVID pandemic has been used to by our elected officials and their stooges to control us and to enrich pharmaceutical companies that provide us with completely ineffective vaccines and boosters.
If they were effective, why are people who have been vaxxed and boostered required to mask up and avoid other people who weren't?
That's the big paradox here.
People who are supposedly safe are at risk from people who aren't.
Yet the toxic She Devil who is now governor of New York State, that stooge of a Health Commissioner for Monroe County and a host of other progressive Democrat elected officials all demand that we remain masked in public and that masking is an effective way to stop the spread of COVID and its variants.
All the while they are seen at public gatherings unmasked, regardless of their stern pronouncements.
The stench of their hypocrisy thus becomes evident to all, but what do they care?
They call the shots.
And demand that all those who haven't got the shots be fired from their jobs.
Thus has our toxic She Devil of a governor crippled the health care industry in New York State by firing the trained medical professionals who are smarter and more experienced than She who have refused to be vaccinated.
They have seen how ineffective the vaccines and boosters have been in eradicating or even slowing COVID.
My primary physician himself stated to me at my recent check-up that the vaccines and boosters "might be good for some people."
"Might be good!"
"For some people!"
Not for everyone.

The only people I see benefitting from the vaccines and boosters are those in the pharmaceutical industry who make the stuff, which is paid for by the government, which is in turn paid for by the taxpayers.
Nothing free ever comes from the government.
Worse still, in New York State, elective surgeries have been canceled, like my annual colonoscopy, as well as serious necessary surgeries where the patient has refused to be vaccinated.
It is all a matter of control, through fear and intimidation.
Progressive Democrats are making the most of it to extend mail-in voting, which the voters of New York State rejected in the last election's referendum, but our toxic She Devil has declared that it will continue.
Who died and made her queen?
And did that person die of COVID?
Massive mail in voting has been a source of political abuse from which the progressive Democrats hope to profit in the mid-term elections, where Republicans are poised to wrest control of Congress from them, unless that eventuality can be prevented.
Thus, the COVID "crisis" will be continued, for political reasons.
It's clear that the "science" of which the progressive Democrats and Fauci acolytes bray about is "political science."
Even worse is the nauseating cult of personality that has been allowed to develop around the chief witch-doctor in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been elevated to near god-like status by the progressive Democrats and their liberal media stooges, despite his frequent twists and turns and even his lying to congress.

A local donut shop in Rochester, New York even glorified Fauci by putting his image on a specialty donut of their creation, which cost twice as much as any other specialty donut, just for the privilege of seeing his face on it.
Big deal!
I can spit anywhere.
Responding snottily to some media reporters who are no longer impressed by his pretensions or his pontifications about his progress against COVID, Fauci can no longer bear not to be an idol.
Nor can he bear the thought that he is losing control over the minds of Americans.
Too many have stopped believing in him or take his pronouncements regarding COVID as being valid or even factual.
Mind you, he has made a fortune from his little poo-poo book for the kiddies and has testily refused to answer questions about any financial benefits he has received from the pharmaceutical industry.
He probably already has another multi-million-dollar book deal in place.
After all, if you're going to sell your soul to the Devil, you might as well make as much as you can.
Just like most of our elected officials do.
But yes, I have been vaxxed and boostered in order to travel abroad to Germany, to visit my elderly mother-in-law.
That is my only reason for doing so.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered.
To put it bluntly, I don't think that they are effective, especially since too many people, including some close family and friends, have come down with it after getting their shots. After wearing masks everywhere. After curtailing congregating with other people and not leaving their homes for more than is necessary.
Don't get me wrong, I think that COVID IS a serious business for, as my doctor put it, "some people."
For the elderly, for people with heart disease and breathing disorders.
For people whose immune systems have been compromised.
But then, a good dose of the flu could also be fatal to those individuals.
Moreover, what are the long-tern side-effects of the vaccines and boosters?
We don't know and neither do the big shots demanding that we get them, or else.
I do know that the witch doctors calling themselves "scientists" are promoting untold numbers of boosters every year for every possible variant that they detect (and I daresay that there will be plenty of variants that they won't detect), which will increase the wealth of the pharmaceutical industry indefinitely, with the "scientists" and politicians undoubtedly taking their cut off of the backs of taxpayers.
Remember, every year when you get your flu shot, you are actually being vaccinated for last year's flu strain, not the current one, so a lot of people still come down, and die, from the flu.
It will be the same thing here.
And let's not forget the common cold. There has been nothing to cure that most commonplace and annoying illness, despite years of research, just palliatives to get you through it.
So, what to do?
For one thing, you can tell progressive Democrat elected officials to go eff themselves.
And take their "scientists" with them.
And try to live your lives normally again, without fear.
Fear is what the progressive Democrats and their witch-doctors want to instill in you.
It's how they maintain their power over you.

Or you can buy an image of Fauci and light candles to it and pray to it every night.
I would rather stick pins in it.
Maybe that would work.
Or maybe it will be just as effective as the vaccines, the boosters, masks and restrictions the witch-doctors, both political and "scientific," impose on us.


  1. I so enjoy your blogs! You just say what everyone is thinking 🤔

  2. Thank you!
    I find political correctness to be the height of falsehood.


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