Camilla's Tampon Wannabe is Crowned King: The End of Bread and Circuses for the UK!

For the last several years, the media has been paying a God-awful amount of attention to the British monarchy.

Brexit, the collapsing economy, the illegal alien issue, the disintegrating social fabric and the political instability of its ruling elites have all taken rear seats to the antics of the costly and anachronistic House of Windsor. 

In the last year, the struggling British taxpayer has been stuck footing the bill to fete the Royal Family three times, spending hundreds of millions of pounds during a time of economic hardship.

First, there were the festivities surrounding the "Platinum Jubilee" of Queen Elizabeth the Second.

Only the video of the Queen taking tea with Paddington Bear was delightful and heartwarming.

It was the least expensive of the lot.

That quite wore the Queen out, because in barely four months' time she was dead and then there were ten odd days of activities and rituals leading up to her internment.

That wasn't cheap either.

Today her son was crowned King Charles III after waiting in the wings for seventy years.

Professional royal ass-kisser Dan Wootton, a New Zealander by birth, giggled girlishly about today's event, claiming that, while the coronation might have an initial cost of 150 million pounds, it will bring in 750 million pounds from the tourists flocking to see this event.

Where Dan got those figures from is questionable, although I am sure that British vendors will make a killing selling kitschy mementoes of the coronation to tourists, like bobble-head dolls of the newly crowned King and Queen.

Other professional royal ass kissers like Lady Collin Campbell and Angela Levin, who make their livings off of their books about the Royal Family (and Angela's are particularly mawkish, sugary and sentimental, if not particularly factual or even good) are in full agreement with Dan.

They might as well be, because it will the last instance of bread and circuses in the UK and excitement for its royal family for a long time to come.

The last coronation on the European continent was in 1923, when Ferdinand of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen and his wife, Marie of Edinburgh (a granddaughter of Queen Victoria and, as such, a distant relative of Charles) were crowned King and Queen of Romania in a lavish ceremony with medieval overtones that belied the fact that the kingdom was only forty years old.

It would survive only for another twenty years before that particular monarchy was overthrown.

The surviving European monarchies substituted simpler, far more inexpensive ceremonies where the monarchs weren't crowned and merely took the oath of office to their subjects.

Given the disastrous state of the United Kingdom's economy, that might have been a sensible suggestion.

But Charles waited too long to be king, and even his so-called scaled-down coronation with cost hundreds of millions of pounds.

Because he and other royal hangers-on and parasites want to put on a show and provide the masses with bread and circuses...that the masses will be paying for out of their own increasingly shallow pockets.

Send in the clowns.

There is a growing republican, anti-monarchist sentiment in the UK against the high maintenance Royal Family, and what can be seen as an expensive event like a coronation, even a scaled-back event like this one, is a slap in the face to British taxpayers groaning because the economic hardship brought on by Brexit and the Pandemic, which their politicians have been either unable or unwilling to redress.

And the antics of the Royal Family itself, not excluding the newly anointed King and Queen themselves, have hardly been inspirational.

King Charles III, a bat-eared, horse-face product of royal inbreeding once stated that he wanted to be reincarnated as his then mistress, now wife's, tampon!

Queen Camilla, the "other woman" in the sham fairytale marriage of Charles and Diana, was universally hated and reviled as a homewrecker.

As was Magda Lupescu, the mistress of Charles's distant cousin, King Carol II of Romania, who divorced his wife, Princess Helen of Greece, and eventually married her.

Magda never got to be Queen because Romania overthrew their monarchy before Carol II got around to marrying her. She had to make do with the title "Princess."

Which is what Charles III originally said would be Camilla's title when he came to the throne.

And by the way, a "Magda" is central-eastern European slang for a reformed prostitute.

Everything old is new again!

And how kind of Camilla to have invited her ex-husband to her coronation!

You know, the man she was cheating on with Charles while Charles was still married to Diana.

One also needs to remember that, as monarch, Charles III is the "Supreme Head of the Church of England!"

Well, the Church of England was, after all, created by King Henry VIII so that he could divorce his first wife, Katherine of Aragon, to marry his mistress, Anne Boleyn.

No wonder so few people go to church, or even the fact that the majority of British subjects do NOT subscribe to the established church which Charles now heads.

It is that same church that has crowned the world's most famous adulterous couple as its King and Queen.

Much of the world's interest in the coronation had to do with whether or not Charles' mentally challenged, drug-addicted younger son and his American wife would attend.

This has been going on for months, with Hairplug and Migraine making demands for their attendance, which Charles would not agree to.

The gruesome twosome, unimportant in themselves and only able to lead their lavish, empty lifestyle because their connection to the British Royal Family allowed them to dish the dirt, usually inaccurate or a pack of lies, for millions of dollars, were desperate to appear before the world as necessary to the survival of the House of Windsor.

At the last minute, only Hairplug agreed to come (Migraine was afraid of being booed in public), only to leave as soon as the ceremony was concluded to board yet another private jet and be in California some time just before midnight to celebrate his son's fourth birthday!

Odd that a four-year-old would be having a party so late in the day.

But who really cares? They are an inconsequential family, a useless curiosity for royal watchers.

It signals the end of Hairplug and Migraine's connections to the royal family and their insignificance is now made manifest for the whole world to see.

They won't have much to sell anymore.

As for King Charles III and Queen Camilla?

They are already old people, not really as popular as their ass kissers like Angela Levin would have us believe, and the lack of applications for street parties to celebrate their coronation (down ninety percent from those taken out during the Platinum Jubilee last year) signifies that there is far less interest in the bread and circuses of the monarchy.

Especially since they had so many in the last year.

Especially since the behavior of some members of the Royal Family has been uninspirational and downright snotty (as in the case of Prince Andrew).

Especially since a good many people view Charles III as merely a "caretaker king" until his older son the Prince of Wales succeeds him.

If the monarchy lasts that long.

If Charles doesn't fuck it up and the British realize that their royal family are not a collection of superior beings and could easily do without them.

For my part, I didn't watch the damned thing. 

I don't even bother to watch when our own presidents get inaugurated.

Given the senile horse's ass we have as president and the crime family with whom he has surrounded himself, I have a hard time getting excited about watching similar behavior among hereditary monarchs who are supposedly "better" than the rest of us simply because they were born to it.

And there are only so many deliberate lies a person can hear before they feel like puking.

But then, the third installment of "Guardians of the Galaxy" premiers this weekend!

That film is far more entertaining, its special-effects far more breathtaking and its cost far less to produce than Charles and Camilla's coronation.

Perhaps now the media can concentrate on reporting about really important issues, like our collapsing civilization.


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