Kristallnacht, American Style!

It is the eighty-fifth anniversary of Kristallnacht (Night of broken glass) in Nazi Germany.

"Spontaneous" demonstrations against Jewish businesses, homes, synagogues and other examples of Jewish culture were encouraged by the Nazi government.

Books purported to be examples of "Jewish Intellectualism," looted from Jewish-owned bookstores and the public libraries, were also burned in huge bonfires.

The resultant vandalism produced so much broken glass in Germany and Austria (which had been annexed to the Reich that spring) that the glass manufacturers in the Netherlands and Belgium were unable to meet the demand for orders to replace the glass before the outbreak of the war.

Apart from the vandalism, there was also the violence that was inflicted on the Jewish people in Germany that night, who either objected to the destruction of their property or simply managed to fall into the hands of antisemitic mobs.

More than thirty-thousand Jewish men and women were arrested that night, a preview of what was shortly to come: the Holocaust.

The Nazis had planned Kristallnacht as a test for the German people. If the German people could stomach it without any serious protest, they could stomach anything.

The German people "passed" with flying colors.

Now let's fast forward to the days following the Hamas terrorists' invasion of Israel on October 7 of this year, where Hamas Nazis from Gaza invaded Israel, killing men, women and children, raping women and taking hostages while sending rockets into the air to destroy Israeli cities and kill more Israelis.

I have covered this in depth in a recent blog about the Hamas Nazis. You might want to refer to it.

Israel, understandably, promptly replied by shelling Hamas locations in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, and the Hamas terrorists demanded a cease-fire for "humanitarian reasons," while continuing to send their rockets against Israeli targets.

In short, the Hamas Nazis, using the Palestinian people as human shields, wanted to have their "free punch" against Israel and then have Israel cease fighting.

The Hamas Nazis couldn't understand why Israel would refuse such a "generous" offer, so they enlisted their "Fifth Columns" in other countries to act as public relations agents for them, initiating massive protests in favor of the Hamas terrorists, blithely ignoring their crimes against Israelis that precipitated this mess.

 And retaliation on Israel's part.

This is especially true in the United States, where such protests by Hamas supporters demanding "Death to Israel" and "Palestine Free, From the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea" are covered by the "freedom of speech" clauses of the First Amendment to our Constitution.

Most of these protesters are bored liberal college students (woke progressives) who would rather chant death threats to Israel in particular and Jews in general than go to class..

They needed something new to complain about, since BLM is petering out, owing to the public becoming aware of the vast corruption of it's leadership and also refusing to be guilted into silence regarding accusations of racism.

Taking up the Palestinian "cause" is a new hobby for them, as well as threatening Jewish students on college campuses and Jewish owned businesses.

So far, no mass destruction of Jewish property or people has taken place here, yet.

Nor has our government given active support or encouragement to the protesters, unlike Nazi Germany.

But our government HAS permitted the protesters supporting Hamas to show up at the White House, weakly arguing their constitutional right to assembly.

So what about January 6, 2021?

Even more curious is, despite all of the antisemitic hatred being spewed by these protesters, piss pants Joe has appointed his braying jackass of a vice president to head initiatives against Islamophobia!

Our senile horse's ass of a president's timing is off once again.

And the Jewish community here is wise to take such threats seriously, because there is nothing quite so dangerous as a mindless mob (college educated or not) led by a few evil people.

Or succored by them.

Like the creatures that comprise "The Squad" in Congress, consisting mostly of hysterical, woke progressive women.

For instance, Congresswoman Rashaida Tlaib has been outstanding in her vocal opposition to Israeli retaliation in the Gaza Strip and has made public statements in support of Hamas, demanding that the US broker a cease-fire and chanting about freeing Palestine from the river to the sea.

Meaning the complete destruction of the State of Israel. America's only real ally in the region.

She is vocal about that while refusing to answer questions about the Hamas terrorists raping women and beheading children and babies before their parents' eyes before killing them.

Or throwing living babies into ovens before turning on the heat.

What has that got to do with her?

Her trusted ally in The Squad, Ilhan Omar, also stated that "things go on all over the world."

Omar, who is originally from Somalia, falsified her immigration status by claiming to be her own brother's wife in order to come to the US.

Like Tlaib, she is also a Muslim and therefore feels a sense of kinship to the Hamas terrorists and is unconcerned about the murderous horrors they unleashed on thousands of Israelis.

Tlaib identifies herself as a Palestinian, even though she was born and grew up in Detroit, so the priorities of her loyalties are obvious...and not particularly admirable.

Apparently, Congress had enough of Tlaib's rabble-rousing and censured her two days ago, arguing that the right to freedom of speech does NOT include inciting people to riot or to violence.

Which is what the Democrats accused Trump of doing on January 6, 2021.

Omar quickly jumped to Talib's defense, shrieking that America is ignoring the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians and that this was genocide.

She happily ignored any mention of the Hamas Nazis' actions in Israel that precipitated the crisis.

Other hags in The Squad, playing the race card, shrieked that Congress was racist by censuring Tlaib, never mind her propensity for hate speech regarding Israel.

Censuring Tlaib is merely giving her a slap on the wrist, but it has made manifest to most thinking Americans what a hateful bunch she and her buddies on The Squad are.

But they are still encouraging antisemites everywhere to take up an anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli cause.

And with such flammable material and these broads holding the lighter, it won't take much for them or people like them, to cause a conflagration.

And please notice that there haven't been huge protest rallies staged by American Jewish communities protesting the atrocities perpetrated by the Hama Nazis against Israelis.

That's why the Hamas supporting protesters and college administrations have been having such a field day with their activities.

Here in Rochester, it has been fairly quiet despite the large Jewish community here, notably in the Town of Brighton,

And of all of our politicians, only Cynthia Elliott of our decrepit School Board has found it necessary to support the Hamas Nazis.

Actually, she supports BLM's support of the Hamas Nazis because she claims that the Jews invented slavery!

Honey, your slip with swastika embroidery is showing, and you are providing yet another excellent illustration as to why our local school system is in the shithole.

Fortunately, most people don't waste their time listening to her babble on.

Because Rochester's body politic has become largely apathetic regarding nearly everything and most people don't even bother to vote.

It has been eighty-five years since Kristallnacht.

Not really all that long.

And we have really learned nothing since then.



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