
Memorial Day: Freedom Isn't Free!

  Today is Memorial Day. It is the unofficial start of summer, the culmination of a three-day weekend that usually features picnics where people overindulge in barbecued food and beer, parades and fireworks. But that is NOT what Memorial Day is all about. Memorial Day was set aside to honor the brave men and women who served our country in the armed forces to preserve our freedom and died in the process. Freedom is not free. Our service men and women in many cases paid the cost of freedom with their blood, sometimes making the supreme sacrifice: their lives for our country. We take those freedoms for granted on a daily basis. Some people, when they have run-ins with the law, claim that they now know what it is to live within a "police state," when it is patently clear that they know no such thing. A "police state" would never allow them to speak publicly in that manner. Among some people, it has been fashionable for a very long time to mock patriotism and the armed

The Black Comedy of the Police Accountability Board, or How to Flush Millions of Rochester's Taxpayers' Dollars Down the Toilet

Some jokes are just too obvious to be funny. Such is the case of Rochester's Police Accountability Board. Originally the brainchild of Rochester's cop-hating City Council and ex-Mayor Lovely Warren, it has done nothing in the two and a half years since its creation other than to annoy and demoralize the Rochester Police Department and spend millions of dollars that it can't account for, which is pissing off the city's taxpayers and embarrassing City Council. The greatest public relations scam since the Fast Ferry, City Government convinced people through subliminal messaging that they needed and wanted the PAB until people demanded a referendum vote on the matter, which the cop-hating City government graciously consented to do. Three-quarters of the people who voted in November 2019 wanted it. But only one-third of those registered to vote in Rochester bothered to go to the polls. Such is the failure of democracy in the City of Rochester. Content with this "majorit

The Progressive Liberals' Fear of Freedom of Speech: Overturning Roe v. Wade

 Nothing maddens progressive liberals as much as freedom of speech when it doesn't concur with their carefully crafted and often nonsensical gospel. The best recent illustration of this is when Elon Musk announced that he was purchasing the Twitter social media platform which, along with Facebook, had for years penalized people and groups for expressing conservative opinions contrary to progressive liberalism. The mainstream media is also guilty of that bias. Immediately, the liberal ladies of the left began to shriek that such a purchase was directed against them and their right to abortion, that it was intended to overturn the Supreme Court decision regarding the case of Roe v. Wade some fifty years earlier. Nowhere did Musk state that his purchase of Twitter had anything to do with Roe v. Wade. He merely stated that he would allow that platform to post alternative points of view. That alone was enough to drive progressive liberals and the Democratic Party batshit crazy. Fifty ye

The Buffalo Massacre and the Propaganda of the Deed

 There is a popular misconception that monsters are hideously ugly creatures that send us running in the opposite direction when we spot them. That is incorrect. Monsters are not possessed of horns, fangs, prehensile tails, bat wings and cloven hooves. They do not have bolts in their necks or wear built up shoes or bay at the moon. Nor are they particularly stupid. They look like everyone else, like the pastor of your church. Or the little old grandmotherly lady that bakes cookies for neighborhood events. Or the kid that mows your lawn in the summer. That's what makes them dangerous. We don't know until it's too late that they are monsters. There are other misconceptions about monsters. For instance, women are considered the weaker sex and incapable of deliberate evil. This concept ignores the cavalcade of female Nazi concentration camp personnel who perpetrated some of the worst atrocities in history during the Second World War. And children, specifically young teen-age ch

Elon Musk's Purchase of Twitter: Driving Liberal Progressives Batshit Crazy!

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter has opened up a Pandora's Box in America. Restoring freedom of speech on a heretofore liberal progressive oriented social media platform is driving Democrats batshit crazy. When it was first rumored that Musk would buy Twitter for $44 Billion, some batty dame on MSNBC shrieked "That would be thought control!"  She then added "That's our job!" Yes, in her opinion, thought control belonged exclusively to the liberal news media whose progressive bias has been manifest for years. As well as on such social media platforms as Twitter and Facebook, where the most scurrilous tales about Republicans were permitted and encouraged, while people expressing opposing points of view were suspended for violating their "Terms of Service." Of course, that was all bullshit, since it violated the first amendment to the Constitution. When the purchase took place, reaction was swift. Suspended accounts of people promoting conservative

The Anti-Cop, Pro-Rioter Stance of Rochester's Mayor Evans: Mahweak, Resign! Now!

Rochester's current mayor, Malik (Mahweak) Evans has been the most successful failure in our body politic for decades. Despite being uncreative, unimaginative and uninspiring, and despite having never accomplished anything positive for our community since he started dabbling in politics nearly two decades ago, he keeps getting elected to public office, where his cycle of failure continues to this day. And so does community disappointment, not to say disgust, with him continues. Not that he seems to care. A continuation of the previous administration is Mahweak's anti-cop attitude, coming at a time when crime, violence and homicide continues to spike upwards. That, too, is a holdover of the Warren regime. It is that attitude that has cost him the support and respect of frightened, law-abiding citizens. But why should he care? He's the mayor, and the local news media continues to print cute puff pieces about him, trying to make him a leader which he clearly is not. As Lovely

Wee Willie Winkie: Gender is Something You Are Born With!

The subject of this blog is gender, and it is NOT going to be politically correct, so any progressives out there might wish to move along. Political correctness is the promotion of falsehood, a product of progressivism and our cancel culture to forestall the protests of loud-mouthed agitators. Nowhere does it even hint at sincerity. Despite the world collapsing around us, progressive politicians and their aggressive liberal agitators have decided to make gender an issue and have proceeded to complicate and confuse the issue by making it (they think) impossible to define what a man or a woman is. President Biden's nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, is the supreme example of progressive asininity in this regard. She herself said she was unable to define what a woman is, despite the fact that Biden's sole reason for endorsing her is that she was a Black woman! Well, stupid is as stupid does. And it seems that progressive child psychologists are also clueless in