Election Day, 2021: The Lack of Choice in One-Party, Democrat Controlled Rochester.

Tomorrow, November 2, is Election Day.

I am underwhelmed.

There really isn't much choice in the elected offices in the City of Rochester that are up for grabs.

That is because Rochester is a one-party, Democrat-controlled city, and the primary election this past summer has determined, more or less, the victors in the general election.

Only Democrats can vote in the Democratic primary, and less than a third of registered Democrats bothered to vote in the primary.

Apparently the Democrats couldn't be bothered to show up, knowing that, whoever won, they would probably be Democrats and that nothing would change.

The focus of this blog is primarily on the City Council races, where five seats are up for grabs.

The primary also determined the mayoral race, where a disgraced incumbent was defeated by an equally unsuitable, enigmatic opponent by what was touted as a "landslide" by the local media, although it was really no such thing. 

But I've already discussed Lovely Warren and Malik Evans in previous blogs, so I won't waste any more time on them.

The primary gave the nod to two incumbent council persons, one appointed incumbent and two persons affiliated with local terrorist organizations.

Since the incumbents have been making nice with the local terrorist organizations for the last year and a half, there won't be any change if they get elected tomorrow.

That is frightening.

And they are all anti-cop at a time when our homicide rate and general crime rate has exploded way beyond the national average.

This collection of cretins believes that by reducing the police force and tying their hands when fighting crime is a good thing. They are also pro-crime and pro-criminal who believe in soaking the city taxpayers for their pooh-pooh progressive projects to buy the votes of Black, Brown and poor residents of Rochester.

One wonders what part of Oz they hail from.

However, three notable challengers to Democratic misrule have come forth.

Marcus C. Williams, Ann C. Lewis and Jayvon Johnson are running for City Council...as Republicans.

Yep, as Republicans. Believers in law and order, good old-fashioned American enterprise and patriotism.

All three are Black, a slap in the face of the Democratic myth that only they represent the goals of racial minorities.

Unfortunately, all three are facing an uphill battle in a one-party city that has been demonizing Republicans for more than a generation.

Even worse, the Monroe County GOP has its share of blame for Rochester becoming a one-party, Democrat controlled city because they abandoned it years ago, refusing to waste its time and money recruiting Republican Rochester residents to run for elected office and refusing any help to those who come forward and propose themselves.

A Rochester Republican Committee DOES continue to exist, although it is under the thumb of the county GOP chairman, who is a suburbanite, who only sees the city committee as a useful tool to be manipulated and used, whose resources in money and manpower would best be spent promoting the candidacies of suburban Republicans.

This, of course, is not beneficial to the Republicans living in Rochester, many of whom feel abandoned and betrayed by their own party and yet cannot bring themselves to switch to a party whose agendas they find morally repugnant, fiscally irresponsible and socially chaotic.

The Democrats like that just fine and for more than a generation have been able to make their mark on Rochester, sort of like Sherman's "March to the Sea," only more destructive, with little interference from the county GOP.

It is against these odds that Williams, Lewis and Johnson are running for office and I wish them well.

They got little or no funding and support from the county GOP and had to run their campaigns on their own, for which they deserve a great deal of credit and consideration when you are voting.

They, at least, will bring opposing points of view to City Council, which has been sorely lacking for decades.

And they won't coddle terrorists and criminals.

If the voters realize that it's time for a change. Positive change, that is.

They won't get that by voting in the Democratic slate.

On the other hand, if the three Republican candidates get in, the Democrats will still control City Council and can pass legislation without their approval. But it will be noisier when the vote splits along party lines and be less comfortable for the Democrats when they are called out on their bread and circuses spending and continued antagonism towards RPD.

But, there's more at stake in this year's election.

On this year's election ballot, on the reverse side, are five Democratic propositions to increase their power in New York State.

I voted "No" to all of them, because the Democrats have screwed us up enough as it is without giving them the opportunity to do more.

Remember, as frustrating as it is in a one-party town, elections are the only times we can make our voices heard, even if we reject the candidates the Democrats have puked up at us and write in cartoon characters instead.

Bugs Bunny would probably do better and be more amusing than Malik Evans as mayor.


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