A New Year, a New Mayor and Everything Remains the Same: The Ongoing Saga of Rochester's Freak Show!

It is a week into the year 2022.

And really, nothing seems to have changed.

If anything, the new mayoral regime seems like an insipid rehash of previous administrations, especially the last one.

When Malik Evans took his oath of office at 12:01 AM, January 1 in his home among his family, the news media covered it.

It was cute and folksy, especially with his children asking everyone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

More about that momentarily.

But it was a replay of Mayor Warren taking her oath in the presence of her dying, comatose grandfather, holding his hand, faithfully recorded by her soon to be communications czarina.

Both events were designed to elicit sympathy for the new mayors, a publicity stunt.

And families make for excellent political accessories, props for the media, don't they?

Evans's official swearing in, in the morning, was held virtually because of COVID.

That is the reason it was so short. There was no entertainment to glorify the incoming regime.

But he did speak of empowering the people, a rehash of the Johnson years.

That was a dismal failure.

He also invited everyone to a prayer meeting the next day, indicating that his administration would be just as minister ridden as that of Mayor Warren, with clergy people circling around City Hall like flies around a manure pile.

During the prayer meeting, Rochester's first homicide of the year was recorded. A fourteen-year-old boy was shot in a mom-and-pop store on the NE side.

I guess their prayers didn't have the desired effect.

Nor did he reassure anyone about his anti-cop attitude, which is probably why more RPD officers continue to leave and find important positions with other law enforcement agencies elsewhere, some just across the City Line.

Or take early retirement.

They have no faith in the new administration.

Why should they?

No, there hasn't been much of a change.

City Council remains a collection of egomaniacal circus freaks, unconcerned with the opinions or sensibilities of the people they claim to represent.

They prefer to dictate their agendas; whatever Rochester's residents might think.

They promptly elected as vice president the craziest of their number, unconcerned with her talent to annoy, offend and create divisions among Rochesterians.

Worse still was the attitude of one of their newest members, the androgynous terrorist, who promptly sat her fat ass down during the Pledge of Allegiance, only to rise when it was completed. 

It was that same Pledge that the new mayor's children asked everyone to join in.

The rest of City Council couldn't be bothered to censure this creature.

Nor did the new mayor voice any concerns about such disrespectful and unpatriotic behavior.

But then, Stanley Martin remains dedicated to destroying America and her actions should be duly noted, especially because she was the driving force behind the riots that plagued Rochester since 2020.

A wuss Evans was and a wuss he remains.

City Council will control him.

However, in the Monroe County Legislature, there remains a glimmer of hope against the destructive nature of Democratic progressivism and woke culture.

Despite losing actual control of the Legislature in the last election, thanks to the ineptitude of Monroe County GOP chairman Bernie Iacovangelo, the Republicans remain in the driver's seat.

The Republicans voted to elect Democrat Sabrina LaMar as president of the Legislature.

LaMar then stated she would caucus with the Republicans.

Why so?

Well, it appears that Congressman Joe Morelle, head of the elitist Morelle Faction in local Democratic politics, tried to get LaMar fired from her job because she wasn't subservient to his leadership.

Unlike so many other Democrats in the County Legislature, she was never his pawn and owes Morelle and the creatures of his making nothing.

And so she has become the first Black woman to be president of the Monroe County Legislature and far more powerful than anyone else in that political body.

At least it will lead to some excitement there whereas, in the City of Rochester, we can only look forward to more bouts of nausea.

It will remain pretty much the same here.

Politicians, especially those on City Council, will continue to pick our pockets by distracting we rubes with geeks biting the heads off of live chickens.


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