
Showing posts from June, 2022

Little Peo's Podcast Porn and the "Distraught" Damsel in Distress: Sex and Politics in Rochester, New York!

 City Councilman Jose Peo ( NW district) hosts a regular podcast on We the People Podcast Network, "Politically Correcting With Jose Peo." It features Peo himself with a co-host and guests guzzling beer and making off color remarks, sort of like pubescent adolescent boys pretending to sound like men after they discovered their daddy's liquor stash. However, the episode aired on June 15 featured a segment of unbelievable vulgarity, crudeness and political incorectness that was not to be expected from a sitting elected official and his buddies. At least not in public. Less surprising is that most people didn't know anything about it until City Newspaper's Gino Fanelli posted his story about it on June 27, almost two weeks after the podcast, probably because most people don't pay attention to what little Peo says anyway and couldn't be bothered to listen to his podcast. If they even knew he had one. Frankly, it became a tempest in a teapot. I listened to the

City Hall, the PAB, Anthony Hall and the Excremental Taint of Conspiracy Against the Rochester Police Department.

Too many coincidences are too coincidental. A recent incident following a crime scene investigation in Rochester, New York bears this out. On June 18, officers of the Rochester Police Department were investigating a shooting on North Street that sent a man to the hospital with non-fatal gunshot wounds. These incidents have become as common as pig tracks in our fair city. They taped off the area that they were investigating, to prevent onlookers and passers-by from contaminating evidence at the site. Low and behold, skipping out of a bar in the vicinity, comes an individual who was curious about the activities of RPD in that area so early in the morning. He came, looked at the outer perimeter and then appeared to be leaving. However, he proceeded to walk deeper into the crime scene and was told by the police officers to leave. The individual refused to do so, was promptly arrested for Obstruction of Governmental Administration in the 2nd Degree (a misdemeanor) by the police officers the

Take a Bow, Citygov: Rochester, NY Ranks as the 13th WORST Run City in America!

 Remember the song, the "Limbo Rock" and the refrain "How low can you go?" Well, apparently the people in charge of governing the City of Rochester, NY are looking to bring it as low as they possibly can. We already know that our fair city is the deadliest in America per capita in terms of homicide. We have the worst school district in the State of New York, and one of the worst in the entire nation. We rank second in terms of child poverty. We used to rank first, but Syracuse, NY succeeded us to that dubious title this year. And now...and now... According to WalletHub, a personal finance website, Rochester ranks 13th out of 150 cities as one of the worst-run major cities in America! Surprise, surprise! Most residents of our fair city already know that. Washington, DC, San Francisco, New York City and Chicago, all jewels in the crown of progressive liberalism and governed by Democrats, fared worse than Rochester. According to the story printed yesterday (June 22, 20

Sexual Harassment: The Latest Grim Little Tale About Rochester's Police Accountability Board!

Since its creation as a result of a referendum vote in 2019, Rochester's Police Accountability Board has provided endless hours of mirth and disgust. An expensive and mysterious nuisance, it has accomplished nothing since its inception except to spend millions of dollars and claim an authority over the police department that two court cases ruled they did NOT have. Supposedly answerable to City Council, the PAB claims it is independent of that body and is answerable to no one. And they have ignored demands for transparency, while they demand it of City Government and the police department. The latest scandal revolves around the "integrity" of the PAB, with tales of dysfunctionality and sexual harassment to entertain the taxpayers stuck paying the PAB's bills and salaries. Two founding members of the PAB, Dr. Celia McIntosh and Ida Perez who had an unquestioned history of integrity in Rochester's politics and neighborhood advocacy, resigned in March of this year, s