Sorry, Progressive Liberals: It's "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!"

The Christmas season is upon us again.

And Hanukkah.

Both are religious holidays.

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, whom all Christian faiths regard as mankind's savior.

Hanukkah celebrates the purification and rededication of Solomon's temple after it was defiled by the Hellenizing actions of the Seleucid Empire.

As such, the proper greeting this time of year would be "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah."

Especially in years like this one, where the holidays overlap.

Yes, both holidays feature gift-giving and as such a great deal of commercialism.

But still, it is a happy time of year for most people, who will still use the greeting "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah" when they meet people.

It takes us back to an earlier, less complicated time when people were less apt to take offense at everything, when such greetings produced a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

I am referring to the days before progressive liberalism sought to pervert traditional American values and social behavior, by substituting cautious phrases to placate the tender sensibilities of the vast minority of atheists, anti-religious people and pseudo-intellectuals seeking to find fault with traditions that they have chosen to disagree or dispense with.

I am referring to the substitution of "Season's Greetings" for "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah."

And the substitution of "Holiday" parties for Christmas parties.

Let me make it clear that I am not a particularly religious person.

As a lapsed Roman Catholic with some Jewish background, I am in favor of the separation of church and state, especially since we have seen how often churches are used to promote certain political agendas and how some clergy preach politics from the pulpit during election years.

Yet that doesn't mean I wish to destroy our traditional social culture, either.

Christmas and Hanukkah are a part of our social culture, and part of which the "cancel culture" of progressive liberals wish to pervert.

And destroy.

They argue that phrases like "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah" make some people feel uncomfortable and are offensive, never mind that the vast majority do not find it so.

So, their answer to the problem that was never really a problem before is to use the phrase "Season's Greetings."

I admit that I have fun with some people who primly reprimand my greetings by saying "It's 'Season's Greetings.'"

When I then ask them as to what season they are referring, they stumble all over themselves trying to explain without referring to Christmas or Hanukkah.

My broad grin at their stupid explanations pisses them off far more than any arguments with which I could care to waste my time debating them would, so I then conclude with "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah" when I take my leave of them.

Personally, I believe that the reason some progressive liberals take such offense to Christmas and nativity displays is that they can't bear to see the portrayal of a baby when they promote the murder of the pre-born. Women giving birth are not a part of their agenda.

When I worked at City Hall in Rochester, I was frequently upbraided for wishing people "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah" rather than using the politically correct "Season's Greetings."

I would deflate them by asking them why we had a Christmas tree and a menorah in the atrium and why our elected officials (almost entirely Democrats, the ones who promote liberal progressivism and political correctness) attended Christmas Tree and menorah lightings throughout the community if it was not politically correct.

And then I would proceed to continue to say "Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah."

Because that's what the season is all about. So, we might as well say it. And have fun with it.

And too bad if some asshole takes offense.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you as well🎄🕎


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