Rochester's One Party "Democratic" System! Shades of the Defunct Soviet Union!


Ahh, the good old days of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union!

Claiming to be "democratic," the Soviets featured regular "free" elections.

Voters were handed ballots that sported the names of various candidates for various offices.

All were card-carrying Communists approved of by the party.

No other parties were represented.

Voters were allowed to "choose" between the same sort of candidates, which fulfilled the theory if not the spirit of Democracy.

Sort of like the Democratic Party's stranglehold on politics in the City of Rochester.

Most of my European friends and acquaintances are fascinated by this concept of one-party rule in a so-called democracy, since they have a variety of parties representing different points of view that actively participate in the political process, which makes for some very lively election campaigns.

It becomes even more amusing to explain what goes on in Rochester's Democratic Primary, which takes place tomorrow.

Only registered Democrats are allowed to vote in the primary, which effectively determines the candidates on the ballot for the general election in November.

Which means that only Democrats will be considered for City offices.

However, all registered voters can vote in November, meaning that even if you are NOT a registered Democrat, you get to vote only for the Democrats on the ballot, most of whom you wouldn't invite to sit on your toilet, let alone at your dinner table.

Or write in a candidate.

Or not vote at all.

Since the Democrats have demonized Republicans and driven them out of Rochester several years ago, it is only in the suburbs that the GOP has been more or less effective in retaining power.

Which has pissed off the Democrats more than somewhat, since they have been unable to fool all of the people all of the time.

Only in Rochester have they been able to continually plant their kiss of death on city residents who want jobs, good schools and safe neighborhoods.

Those unfortunate people are being fobbed off with bread and circuses, the only things city politicians are good at producing.

Which accounts for the lack of choice in the City of Rochester, because anyone here who dares run under a different political party will be branded a racist, a sexist and a hater.

Leaving the field open to a variety of Democratic creeps who are only concerned with winning re-election and promoting a woke progressive agenda, which is basically racist and sexist at its core.

And woe betide the people who point those ugly facts out to the sheep who follow politicians who promote woke progressive bullshit.

Those followers have been bought and paid for by politicians who have enriched themselves throwing away taxpayer dollars to buy votes and keep them in a perpetual state of dependency.

This year's selection for City Council are all people who claim to have previous experience (the wrong kind) in various offices of local government, with several challengers to the incumbents who have turned Rochester into a shithole over the last few decades.

Not that the challengers have anything different to offer, just more of the same with different faces attached.

And none of them are particularly honest or truthful.

The candidates for School Board are no better, just more of the same people who made our school system the worst in NY State.

Frankly, since I am NOT a registered Democrat, there is no reason for me to return to the US for the Democratic Primary tomorrow.

And even if I were, there is not one candidate that I would be comfortable in supporting. I know them all too well.

As for the general election in November, I plan to write in candidates because no matter what the result of the Democratic primary are tomorrow, those candidates will be inadequate.

And I am being polite here.

That's really the only way people can make their opinions known in a one-party town.

And nothing is going to change in Rochester. It will only get worse.

But then, Rochester is a dying city, and Democratic political candidates resemble nothing so much as people robbing the captain's handkerchiefs on a sinking ship.

And what is clear is that Adolph Hitler running on the Democratic line would easily beat Jesus Christ running on the Republican one in Rochester.

And probably New York State.


  1. Funny how reading about it still doesn't make sense to me. What can we the people do about it? Vote don't vote... won't make a difference 😭

    1. Actually, what we can do is sit down and mourn. Rochester is dying and there is no cure. The Democrats certainly aren't providing any solutions and the majority of residents won't vote for Republicans even if they ran for office. So that is where it goes. Down the toilet.


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