At Long Last! The United States Supreme Court Restores Common Sense to Our Nation!

It's finally happened!

The pendulum is definitely swinging to the Right in the United States!

And to upholding what is right!

This week, before their summer recess, the Supreme Court issued their rulings on three landmark cases before them, effectively putting an end to much of the woke progressivism that has crept in and infected our society for decades.

The justices on the Supreme Court, the six to three majority of them, anyway, refused to bow down to the threats of physical violence issued by the far Left and ruled as being unconstitutional three instances upon which woke progressives and the criminal Biden regime have pinned their futures on.

The first case involved using race as a criteria for college admissions, which has gone back for more than fifty years, to President Johnson's failed "Great Society" and "Affirmative Action."

"Affirmative Action," on the face of it, was supposed to make up for discrimination Blacks faced after the Civil War in the areas of education and employment, which produced racial quotas for hiring and college admissions, regardless of competence.

In short, Blacks were inferior and could not compete without assistance in a society based on merit.

This is, of course, racism, but because it supposedly "helped" Blacks it was seen as beneficial.

The Supreme Court ruled that race as a criteria for admissions to college was unconstitutional because it discriminated based on race.

This also applies to employment.

In Rochester, we don't have to look far to see the dismal effects of lowering standards to achieve a tokenistic quota system in the workplace, where mediocrity has been institutionalized by such methods.

I am referring to Rochester's own mayor.

Woke liberal progressives, Black ministers and other agitators, notably the flatulent hags that comprise "The View," were aghast and complained about White racism.

Unfortunately, for all of their shrieking, these creatures didn't realize that it was students of Asian descent who brought this case to court!

Black quotas for college admission discriminated against them and people of Hispanic descent as well, because it was concerned only with admitting Black students against others with higher test scores.

Too bad for the other minority students.

What most progressive liberals have failed to realize is how such admission policies based on race were actually insulting to Black students who worked hard to keep their grades up, to earn high test scores to meet the standardized college admissions qualifications, only to be told later that they were accepted only because they were Black!

The second case heard by the Supreme Court involved freedom of speech.

A web designer filed her case when she refused to design a website for a gay couple who were promoting Equal, or Gay, Marriage.

She had nothing against the Gay and Lesbian community, but her religious scruples prevented her from taking this couple on as clients for this particular venture.

She argued that a law in her state would close down her business if she refused to accept this couple as clients, hence her lawsuit.

Frankly, I think that she was perfectly in her rights.

Most bars I frequent have signs stating they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

And should a Black baker be forced to provide cakes and cookies to a rally of the Ku Klux Klan?

And should a Jewish web designer be forced to take on a client who is promoting pork products, when pork is anathema to practicing Jews, and Muslims?

The Supreme Court that such laws were unconstitutional, as they forced people to believe, act and speak against their convictions.

And of course, the liberals began to hoot and howl about that as well, since they believe freedom of speech is limited only to what THEY believe should be said and anything spoken that opposes them is tyranny and fascist.

The final case that the Supreme Court decided dealt with "forgiving" student loan debts to the tune of some $400 billion !

Students who undertook loans to further their higher education didn't want to pay them back, arguing that it would take years before they could pay off those loans IF they found a high paying job and wouldn't be able to afford to have the finer things in life as a result.

They think that the government should "forgive" the loans they chose to take out, meaning that the government should pay for them.

Please remember that nothing free comes from the government. 

Anything that comes out of the government is taken from the taxpayers, which all of these supposedly smart college students don't seem to understand.

All they have chosen to understand is that they are entitled!

And Sloppy Joe promised student loan forgiveness as part of his 2020 presidential campaign.

That's the problem.

It was unconstitutional for him to do so.

Even Congress's "Hag in Chief," Nancy Pelosi stated that  such an undertaking was NOT within the purview of the president, but of Congress.

Sloppy Joe is not a king or autocrat, much as he has been allowed to believe that he is.

And the Supreme Court concurred, earning the wrath of Sloppy Joe and millions of students sitting on their asses waiting for their loans to be paid off by taxpayers!

Frankly, those students should have chosen cheaper colleges or come up with a plan to pay off their own damned loans.

I have no sympathy for them, either.

And with that, the Supreme Court went on vacation.

All in all, it was a most satisfying week, a victory for real equality, for free speech and for the American taxpayer.

That's what pisses off leftist agitators more than somewhat, but that has long been overdue, because they have been terrorizing America long enough with the Hellish woke progressive agenda.

Most Americans have had enough of it.

And the majority members of the Supreme Court have finally been looking more closely at our Constitution, which is NOT written on Silly Putty, which can be stretched out of shape to suit the rantings and ravings of whatever latest group of extremist nutjobs come along.

Our Constitution is a wonderful document, probably the finest in the world.

But it is what it is, not what extremists want to make of it.

Hence their wrath.


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