
Showing posts from August, 2023

Biden's $700 Slap in the Face to Hawaii!

Nobody but dangerously deranged Democrats and woke progressives can describe the Biden regime as anything other than the most corrupt and ineffectual in United States history. This has gone on since the minute Sloppy Joe was sworn in as president and it has only gotten worse since then. We have seen our economy collapsing around us, along with our infrastructure. We have seen our standing as THE world power decline so that we are a mockery to other nations, to friends and foes alike. Nobody really fears the US anymore. Or regards us as important. Except as a milk cow, to whom all run for money while stabbing us in the back. We have seen the regime promoting identity politics not based on merit or qualifications but on sex, sexual orientation, color and race. Woe betide anyone who dares call the Biden regime out on these truths, for they will be branded as racists, fascists or MAGA Republicans. Fortunately, more and more people are undeterred by such nonsensical insults and are finally

The "Success" of Bidenomics, or There are Tens of Millions of Suckers Born Every Minute!

The US economy is in the toilet. And the flush handle is broken. We are assured by the sugars of the Biden regime that "Bidenomics" (a "Never Neverland" of economics) is working. Giggling almost girlishly, the Democratic National Committee, their news media stooges on CNN and the arrogant airhead spokesman for the president (Karine Jean-Pierre) all tell us that unemployment and inflation are down. Except in the areas of fuel and food...the basic requirements of modern urban life. Who are we supposed to believe? Them or our own pocketbooks? Why, them of course. If we don't, we are fascists and racists. And must be neutralized. Too many people clearly are falling for this bullshit, believing all of these blatant lies that paradise lies just around the corner, while they are relying more heavily on their credit cards just to make ends meet. At present, people are being forced to spend more than $700 a month more for the same items than they bought two-and-a-half ye

Please, Please, Don't be a Litterbug, 'Cause We'll Trip Over the Corpses and Shell Casings You Leave Behind!

Rochester, New York is a deadly dangerous city. Some people, usually Democratic politicians and elected officials, forgive that because our once fair city is in its death throes. That's why they continue to run for re-election, looking to squeeze as much out of it to benefit themselves before it finally goes under, after which they will go elsewhere, their ill-gotten gains safely tucked away in their pockets. Most people recognize this fact of life here, which is why actual voting rates are so low. After all, in our one-party city, one Democratic scoundrel in office is pretty much any other, so why bother to vote at all? We know that apart from passing some cutsie-pooh legislation that will do nothing more than waste taxpayer dollars, they are either unable or unwilling to take a serious stand on any issues affecting the quality of life in Rochester. They certainly aren't concerned with serious attempts to combat crime, violence and homicide, although they might occasionally be