Ahh, the Magic of Childhood! Meet Rochester, New York's Latest Teen Age Murderers!


Rochester is the deadliest city, per capita, in New York State.

That is no mean accomplishment for a medium-size city of little more than 200,000 souls, especially when compared to New York City, with more than 8 million people residing within its cramped borders.

This, of course, does not include hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that have turned up in our sanctuary cities, who have been allowed to fly underneath the radar, courtesy of Joe Biden's open border with Mexico.

Despite all of the hype promoting Rochester, paid for by the Chamber of Commerce, the fact is that Rochester is a dangerous place to live, work and play.

And to raise children.

The public school system is an abomination, the worst in New York State and one of the worst in the country, yet the same people, or at least the same sort of people, keep getting elected to the School Board, which means no real positive changes will occur.

Real changes in our school system would require scrapping the woke progressive agenda of identity politics, which NONE of the members of the School Board are willing to do, having relied on racial and/or sexual quotas to win their elections to office.

Instead, we have seen various school superintendents "reorganizing" the Rochester City School District, which has accomplished nothing positive in the last fifty years and hasn't changed anything.

As for Rochester mayor Malik Evans' Wikipedia page, which states that he accomplished, when president of the school board, raising the graduation rates, that is true enough.

Sort of.

More students graduated because standards were lowered solely for the purpose of increasing the graduation rate, giving diplomas to functionally illiterate students.

That system has continued.

The Rochester City School District has made its primary mission to produce a pool of people suitable only for minimum wage unskilled labor jobs.

Or crime.

On October 5, a 32-year-old man, Shalar Davy, was fatally shot...by two teenagers.

Apparently, there was an argument about marijuana that led to Davy's murder.

Remember that marijuana has been legalized in New York State and the bill of goods liberal Democrats sold us about that was legalization would end crime regarding that drug.

Obviously, it didn't.

Jordan Torres, 16, and Eric Thomas, 15, have been charged with second-degree murder and second-degree criminal possession of a weapon, both felonies.

Torres split from Rochester after the killing, going to New York City.

He was apprehended last week in the Big Apple's wealthy suburb of Westchester County, where the Clinton Crime Family has its headquarters.

Perhaps Torres thought he would be among kindred spirits there.

Or perhaps he was on his way back to Rochester, because there's no place like home, especially if home is anti-cop and coddles deadly feral urban humanoids.

Especially if those feral urban humanoids are teenagers, which is why he was arraigned in Youth Court and was remanded to the Monroe County Youth Detention Center in lieu of $150 grand in bail.

As for Thomas, he and two other feral urban humanoids were caught last week, when they tried to dispose of two loaded and one unloaded handgun in the bathroom of a store along West Ridge Road.

This is on the other side of town from where Davy's was murdered.

Deadly youthful feral urban humanoids DO get around.

One might wonder if they use public transportation.

Thomas, who had an outstanding Family Court Warrant, was remanded to the Monroe County Children's Detention Center because he is, after all, only 15!

And his two buddies? One was 15 and one was 19 (both unnamed) and both were charged with second-degree criminal possession of a weapon, while further police investigation turned up yet another weapon, a .45 caliber handgun in the possession of yet another 19-year-old (also unnamed), who was charged accordingly.

And was there any hue and cry about these teenage criminals running around loose and committing murder with weapons that they could not legally be allowed to possess?

Not really.

Just a rather tepid reporting of the facts in the local news media.

Because it is more common than people want to believe.

Among people who had the normal, humdrum experiences of childhood, they would ordinarily find this shocking except for the fact that it occurred in Rochester.

In the night. In the dark.

And Rochester IS a dangerous city with a cop-hating city government that has gone out of its way to frustrate the Rochester Police Department's attempts to investigate criminal activity and arrest its perpetrators.

New York State has the toughest gun laws in the nation, which frustrate legal gun owners while not preventing teenage punks from getting hold of such deadly weapons.

And using them, either to commit crimes, settle old scores or to cruise around the city in stolen vehicles, shooting up random house as they cruise merrily along.

And where, oh where, are the parents?

You know, the people who are supposed to be providing their offspring with some sort of guidance and moral compass.

Nobody is asking that question either.

Perhaps it is that stereotypical behavior attributed to people of the lower socio-economic orders, where fathers are absent and mothers are working hard to provide a home and food for their children, or they are simply too busy to care what their brats do or with whom they hang out.

Take your pick.

What is clear is that, despite their youth, teenage punks are NOT babies anymore and cannot be treated as though they are merely innocent and naive children.

They can be violent. They can be dangerous. They can be deadly.

And everyone around them is at risk.

Welcome to Rochester, New York!

Did you bring your Kevlar clothing with you on this trip?


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