The Hamas Nazis are NOT "Militants," They are Terrorists! The Liberals Won't Call a Spade a Spade!

On Saturday, October 7 one of the worst atrocities against the Jewish people of Israel since the Holocaust was perpetrated by the Hamas Nazis of the Gaza Strip.

Beginning with the launching of thousands of missiles into Israel hourly, causing death and destruction in their wake, too many for Israel's anti-ballistic system to be effective, things proceeded to get horribly worse.

Mind you, since the Hamas Nazis who govern the Gaza Strip are always pleading poverty, one might question where they got the money to afford tens of thousands of missiles.

Reminiscent of the Einsatzgruppen during the Second World War, the Hamas Nazis invaded Israel during its sabbath, indiscriminately killing any men, women and children they found.

The Hamas Nazis spared no one, killing even babies, by shooting, stabbing, setting fire to and beheading them.

Even babies.

Eleven Americans that we know of so far are among the victims.

There will probably be more.

Their orgy of bloodlust included raping women in the streets and dragging off people to be used, supposedly as hostages, only to kill and butcher them later, using the victims own cell phones to send grisly photos of their handwork to the relatives of their victims, as well as their Facebook pages.

When Israel began to retaliate by bombing the Gaza Strip and amassing an army on the border to ultimate invade the Gaza Strip, the Hamas Nazis then declared that they would "execute" the hostages and televise the murders of these innocent, non-combatants.

If they are still alive.

Apparently, the Hamas Nazis, who govern the Gaza Strip, didn't understand Newtonian Physics about cause and effect.

This was clear when they announced that since, since the Hamas Nazis accomplished their goals, they were willing to discuss a cease-fire.

Their goals were to kill as many Jews, and anyone else who stood in their way, as possible.

Even babies.

Here we must distinguish between the Hamas Nazis who govern the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people who have been subjected to their fanatic rule, most of whom are too fearful for their and their families' lives to speak out against them.

These are people to be pitied, because they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

The Hamas Nazis do not really care about them, either, merely as fodder to be used and exploited in their own hateful crusade: the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jews.

Yet most of the world has regarded the Hamas Nazis as "legitimate" spokespersons for the Palestinians living in Gaza! Especially the "liberal" fanatics in the Western Democracies who support any and all actions taken by the Hamas Nazis against Irael and the Jewish people, while blithely disregarding or ignoring Hamas atrocities.

While civilized governments the world over voiced disgust with the actions of the Hamas Nazis, it was the liberals who infest their nations who celebrated the actions of the Hamas Nazis and complained about the Israelis bombing Gaza!

It is their selective observations that is nauseating.

As well as their clear anti-Semitism.

Including the liberal news media the world over, who referred to the Hamas Nazis as "militants," unable to refer to them more honestly as terrorists.

Even though Hamas has been branded as a terrorist organization by the civilized nations of the world, even by the United States!

Because Israel has justifiably retaliated by bombing Gaza (giving Hamas a taste of their own medicine) and has cut off all electricity, water and food supplies to the enclave, even the liberals of the useless United Nations have chosen to brand Israel as the perpetrators of a "humanitarian" crisis in the Gaza Strip, seemingly unconcerned with what had precipitated it.

But could we really expect anything different from mentally challenged liberals who are consumed with promoting their woke progressive agenda beyond reason?

We are talking about people who can't define what a woman is.

We are talking about people who promote killing the pre-born and dressing it up as a woman's right to choose, so killing babies means nothing to them.

We are talking about people who went apeshit to promote Black Lives Matter, only to look embarrassed when that scam was exposed, their leaders found to be as corrupt as any White politician and the organization was completely discredited to all but its most rabid zealots and promoters.

We are talking about people who chose to elevate a violent, drug addicted career criminal into martyr and demigod status in the form of George Floyd, who died in police custody and justified the violent riots and looting that followed as "compensation."

We can expect nothing resembling sanity from them.

And that includes the broads who comprise "the Squad" in our own Congress, who have been regular supporters of the Hamas Nazis, although they have chosen to shut their flapping jaws since the Hamas-perpetrated atrocities have been reported upon and have refused to answer reporters when questioned about the murder of babies.

But how could this have all happed in the first place?

Apparently, it had been well orchestrated for months, with the Islamic Republic of Iran offering both guidance and money to the Hamas Nazis.

This should come as no surprise as that country's evil leadership has been the major disruptive element in the Near East and Arab world for years, especially in Yemen and Syria's civil wars.

And the Gaza Strip.

It was they who provided the Hamas Nazis with weapons and tens of thousands of missiles to be used against Israel.

This was under the noses of US Intelligence, which ceased to be particularly intelligent or effective since the accession of that senile horse's ass, Joe Biden, to the presidency in 2021.

It was on September 29 of this year that some jackass in the State Department stated that they Middle East was never more peaceful than it has been in the last few decades!

Just goes to show you how deluded our own State Department and Intelligence services are!

And how untrustworthy.

They are now claiming, according to their sources, that Iran didn't know about the Hamas Nazis impending atrocities.

Until they happened.

Which means our Intelligence is trying to exonerate Iran from complicity!

Especially since the Biden regime just freed up $6 billion dollars for Iran that we previously had frozen, is bullshit and just as unbelievable and untrustworthy as most of the pronouncements made by the Biden regime.

Of course, the Democrats are quick to say that money is intended for humanitarian purposes and can be frozen again if circumstances dictate.

Please be aware that China is providing Russia with cash and weapons in Putin's war against Ukraine under the guise of "humanitarian aid."

But, Mossad?

Israel's Mossad has usually been right on top of Israeli security. This time, they were caught completely unawares. 

Perhaps they were gulled into a sense of security because it was quiet. Or because the more sensible Arab nations were seeking to regularize relations with Israel.

But Israel has at least mobilized quickly and has refused to let mindless liberal criticism of their actions get in their way of exacting justifiable retribution for the actions of the Hamas Nazis.

And even Sloppy Joe, the Grand Diabolarch of woke progressive liberalism, has labeled the Hamas Nazis as "evil" and "terrorists."

Which they are.

Sloppy Joe also reaffirmed out support for Israel.


And Israel is our only certain ally in that troublesome region of the world.

But here is the irony.

Sloppy Joe's regime has permitted an open border in the South, allowing millions of undocumented, illegal aliens easy access into the United States with no questions asked.

Even his own State Department and Department of Homeland Security has identified several hundred individuals as being on the list of known terrorists who have vanished unmonitored into America.

Which means that there are probably thousands more running around loose here, able to link up with other members of their ilk or equally deranged native American supporters to wreak havoc in our nation.

The fact that our own Intelligence dropped the ball regarding the Hamas Nazis in this instance suggests that we could be up for another dose of 9/11!

And the terrorists know it, regardless of how the liberals and the liberal media refer to them.

We could be next.

And the American people should get prepared for it, because these Iranian-backed terrorists hate America as much as Israel.

And they ARE terrorists, baby-killing monsters.

They need to be nipped in the bud.


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