
The Anti-Cop, Pro-Rioter Stance of Rochester's Mayor Evans: Mahweak, Resign! Now!

Rochester's current mayor, Malik (Mahweak) Evans has been the most successful failure in our body politic for decades. Despite being uncreative, unimaginative and uninspiring, and despite having never accomplished anything positive for our community since he started dabbling in politics nearly two decades ago, he keeps getting elected to public office, where his cycle of failure continues to this day. And so does community disappointment, not to say disgust, with him continues. Not that he seems to care. A continuation of the previous administration is Mahweak's anti-cop attitude, coming at a time when crime, violence and homicide continues to spike upwards. That, too, is a holdover of the Warren regime. It is that attitude that has cost him the support and respect of frightened, law-abiding citizens. But why should he care? He's the mayor, and the local news media continues to print cute puff pieces about him, trying to make him a leader which he clearly is not. As Lovely

Wee Willie Winkie: Gender is Something You Are Born With!

The subject of this blog is gender, and it is NOT going to be politically correct, so any progressives out there might wish to move along. Political correctness is the promotion of falsehood, a product of progressivism and our cancel culture to forestall the protests of loud-mouthed agitators. Nowhere does it even hint at sincerity. Despite the world collapsing around us, progressive politicians and their aggressive liberal agitators have decided to make gender an issue and have proceeded to complicate and confuse the issue by making it (they think) impossible to define what a man or a woman is. President Biden's nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, is the supreme example of progressive asininity in this regard. She herself said she was unable to define what a woman is, despite the fact that Biden's sole reason for endorsing her is that she was a Black woman! Well, stupid is as stupid does. And it seems that progressive child psychologists are also clueless in

Mayor Mahweak Plants Trees While Bodies Pile Up Like Cordwood!

The world has clearly gone mad. The war in Ukraine, where Putin is playing the bully, has become the world's latest spectator blood sport, with most nations crying "shame," imposing sanctions, sending the beleaguered Ukrainians money and weapons but not really otherwise involving themselves. Here in the United States, we see the Biden regime collapsing owing to the ineptitude of the administration, its inability to exhibit any sort of leadership and the corruption within the Biden family as more of the First Son's criminal activity is finally being exposed by the same liberal news media that spent years denying it and covering it up. Nude photos and videos of the First Son engaged in sex acts and drug use, while not even good pornography, are merely a sideshow, yet they reveal the moral turpitude of a regime long protected and supported by progressive Democrat politicians. Worse still, we are treated to the regular misinformed pronouncements of Biden's spokeswoman

Deja Vu, Again: Redeveloping High Falls and More Asininity.

 A recurring theme among the dying cities of the "Rust Belt" is that redeveloping their dead downtown areas will revitalize them. That this "renaissance" will "save" their cities. It has really never worked in the long run. This is largely because the proponents for such plans have chosen to ignore the history of the cities in question, of the organic growth that led to making their downtowns vibrant. They have also chosen to forget that times have changed. Such is the case of our own fair city, Rochester, New York, where downtown redevelopment has been a stunning failure Rochester reached its zenith in the 1950's. With a population of 350,000 souls, its downtown was crammed with all kinds of retail establishments, restaurants, nightclubs and movie theatres. Downtown Rochester was so congested with people and traffic that the Inner Loop was built to allow people to avoid the crowds. At the same time, changes had occurred in America that would produce t

Non Compos Mentis: The Asinine Priorities of the Evans Regime and Rochester's City Council.

The old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." In 2021, a large percentage of voters wanted to remove Lovely Warren from the mayoral throne and were not particularly fussy about the character of the person who would succeed her. They got their wish and elected Malik (Mahweak) Evans as mayor. Despite the media blitz to create a positive persona in order to sell the public on Mahweak, it never really took off because the reality of his political history was pretty dismal and too many people knew it to be taken in by all of the hype that now surrounded him. Still, enough people came to believe that their "creation" had the answers to all of their questions and the solutions to Rochester's serious problem of crime, poverty and a failing school system. Only it soon became evident that Evans really had no solutions to anything, which quickly produced a sense of "buyers' remorse" among people who were once his cheerleaders. My only

Justine Smollett Has Written Racist Graffiti in the Girls' Toilet at St. Mary's; or What to do if Racism is in High Demand But Low Supply?

 A week ago today, an incident occurred at St. Mary's Girls' School in Brighton, just across the city line from Rochester. Racist graffiti, featuring the "N" word, had been written on a wall in the girls' toilet. Rather than photograph it, erase it and launch a private investigation to discover the identity of the culprit, the school's administrators, in a spasm of White woke progressive "transparency," went public with this "news." That was a BIG mistake. It allowed the administration to state their feelings of disgust with this graffiti and racism, reaffirming their credentials as liberals. Other people, especially politicians, quickly jumped on the bandwagon to declare their anger about this incident, as well. Needless to say, those local groups that exist only to be offended about something and protest it, also chimed in. All of this was duly reported by the local news media, as was the anti-racism rally sponsored by the school the foll

Singletary Settles His $1.5 Million Lawsuit Against Rochester...For $75,000?

Yep, that's right! Disgraced Rochester ex-police chief LaRon Singletary settled his lawsuit against the City for $75,000! He sued Rochester because the administration of ex-Mayor Lovely Warren "blackened" (pardon the pun) his reputation and sought $1.5 million in compensation. If Singletary thought his damaged reputation was worth that much, why did he settle for only 5% of the dollar settlement he asked for? The lawyers will get most of that. Some people, including me, think that his reputation wasn't that hot to begin with.  It was created two years before Mayor Warren appointed him Chief of Police, to make his promotion seem logical. It was a successful public relations stunt to arouse public interest for a product that nobody wanted, needed or could use, but had a catchy name and attractive package. It was all just hype. As part of the settlement, Singletary had his medical benefits restored, which were eliminated when Mayor Warren fired him in a fit of vindictive