
Camilla's Tampon Wannabe is Crowned King: The End of Bread and Circuses for the UK!

For the last several years, the media has been paying a God-awful amount of attention to the British monarchy. Brexit, the collapsing economy, the illegal alien issue, the disintegrating social fabric and the political instability of its ruling elites have all taken rear seats to the antics of the costly and anachronistic House of Windsor.  In the last year, the struggling British taxpayer has been stuck footing the bill to fete the Royal Family three times, spending hundreds of millions of pounds during a time of economic hardship. First, there were the festivities surrounding the "Platinum Jubilee" of Queen Elizabeth the Second. Only the video of the Queen taking tea with Paddington Bear was delightful and heartwarming. It was the least expensive of the lot. That quite wore the Queen out, because in barely four months' time she was dead and then there were ten odd days of activities and rituals leading up to her internment. That wasn't cheap either. Today her son wa

The Coronation: The Man Who Wanted to be Reincarnated as Camilla's Tampon Will be Crowned King!

Hereditary monarchy is an anachronism, conceived in the mists of a distant, more primitive and more superstitious past. The British monarchy is the ultimate expression of this concept. To me, it is is completely ludicrous. Based on the conquest of a kingdom by a distant ancestor, his descendants have a "right" to rule over the "little people," with whom they have nothing in common. It is a system of inequality, of superior and inferior classes, with the vast majority of the populace being inferior to the hereditary monarchy and aristocracy, since the whole thing is based on the accident of birth, not intelligence or accomplishments. And all the heirs to the throne have to do is wait around until the monarch dies. That is their only purpose in life, the only thing they were born for. The coronation is the ultimate celebration of the concept of monarchy, the zenith of an enforced period of waiting that the heir to the throne must endure. King Charles III, nearly 75 ye

Be Afraid! Be Very, Very Afraid! Sloppy Joe and the Braying Jackass Are Running in 2024!

On Tuesday, April 25 US President, Sloppy Joe Biden, announced that he would be running for re-election in 2024. It was an underwhelming announcement, since he had been saying that he would for weeks now, despite obvious evidence of his increasing senility and impaired motor functions. Rather than make this announcement during a specially summoned press conference, surrounded by members of his family and political supporters, he relied upon a tacky video, previously constructed, to accomplish this. Using stock footage, mostly of the January 6, 2021, clown show in Washington DC, he made outrageous lies and blamed Republicans for all of this country's woes, and that he was running again to "finish the job" he had started. What has been clear to most intelligent observers is that "the job" he was engaged in was the destruction of the United States, both as a world super power and a coherent domestic political entity. His regime has been a frightening example of a g

Numbnutz Extends the Gun Violence "State of Emergency" in Rochester, New York...For the Ninth Time!

  The good news is that homicides by gun violence is down in Rochester, New York as compared to last year's figures. So far. There were only seven. So far. Which is less than half of the number of homicides the City of Rochester has seen this year from stabbings and assaults. So far. As of this writing, there have been 34 shooting victims this year who survived. So far. It does not include numerous acts of criminality where victims were threatened by guns but were uninjured. Sort of. Such as car jackings, burglaries, armed robberies. So, what has Mayor Mahweak Evans done to combat gun violence in particular and criminality in general in Rochester, New York? Why, Numbnutz has extended his gun violence "State of Emergency." For the ninth time! In less than a year. Since July 21, 2022. Which will supposedly give Shitty Hall "broad powers to protect life and property," which hasn't worked since he first declared this "State of Emergency" last summer. T

Transworld: "Womanface" is the New "Blackface!"

Remember when White entertainers put on blackface to perform in minstrel shows, like Al Jolson did in the original version of "The Jazz Singer?" Or when Fanny Brice ("Funny Girl") recorded "The Man in the Moon is a Coon?" All of this is a part of American entertainment history, reflecting the cultural mores of the time, good or bad. It was considered an offensive portrayal of Black folk to some and has become increasingly viewed as racist by progressive liberals in the 21st century. Even wearing blackface for a masquerade ball or Halloween as a kid now earns the quick condemnation of White politicians, actors and prominent people, even if the attempt was not in mockery of Black folk. In short, even in a high school theatre group, any White person attempting to play the role of  Shakespeare's Othello would be branded as a racist. The tender consciences of progressive liberals has gone to that extreme and taken leave of their senses. On the other hand, d

Batshit Crazy Trans Activism and the Denial of Reality.

  WARNING! Woke progressives and liberal Democrats might want to give this blog a skip, since the subject matter is about biological facts that they deny and protest against. Trans activists and their woke progressive allies have been creating quite a furor in modern society lately, in the media, in government and in our school systems. The attention they are receiving is completely out of proportion with the tiny fraction of the population they claim to represent and the ensuing chaos they produce in our society. Transsexuals claim to be trapped in the wrong bodies, bodies that don't correspond to the sexual identity they want to be associated with mentally. Some undergo torturous sexual reassignment surgeries so that they might outwardly resemble the sex of their choice, while others might simply claim that they are members of the opposite sex and demand to be treated as such while remaining physically intact. Frankly, I do not care how people choose to identify themselves as lon

Fiddling While Rome Burns: The Case of Alvin Bragg, Asshole, and the Politization of the US Justice System.

  By now, most people who can read know who Alvin Bragg, asshole, is. He's the Manhattan district attorney who chooses to reduce violent felonies to the status of misdemeanors and lets the feral urban humanoids arrested for these crimes go free without bail pending their trials. This has allowed the self-same feral urban humanoids to commit more crimes and then, once again, being turned loose to continue in their chosen careers. Rinse and repeat. The result has been a meteoric increase in crime in Manhattan, that part of New York City under the jurisdiction of Alvin Bragg, asshole. Then, heady with that "success," Alvin Bragg, asshole, decided he needed to make a name for himself on a national, and international, scale. He decided to go after Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States! And not for the sake of pursuing justice or making America safer, because, God knows, Alvin Bragg, asshole, isn't concerned with either justice or safety. Alvin Bragg, asshol