
Three More Homicides in Rochester on Friday, so Mahweak Extends His "Gun Violence State of Emergency!" Again!

This is getting to be rather tedious. Ever since Mahweak was installed on Rochester's mayoral throne, his sole method to combat violent crime has been to declare "states of emergency." Apart from recently ordering billboard signs to exhort people to choose "wisdom" and not to resort to violent crime to settle disputes, Mahweak really has no plans, and no clue, about how to combat the violence that is killing our fair city. But then, he never had. And, after all, law-abiding residents don't need to be reminded about obeying the law or doing what's right, while criminals are pissing their pants laughing at his exhortations. Rochester is a deadly, dangerous city in its death throes, and it is far safer to observe it from a distance. Say about three thousand miles. Across the ocean. in Germany. Rochester had three more homicides on Friday. One of the victims was a fifteen-year-old boy. This does not include the numerous shootings where victims are currently

At Long Last! The United States Supreme Court Restores Common Sense to Our Nation!

It's finally happened! The pendulum is definitely swinging to the Right in the United States! And to upholding what is right! This week, before their summer recess, the Supreme Court issued their rulings on three landmark cases before them, effectively putting an end to much of the woke progressivism that has crept in and infected our society for decades. The justices on the Supreme Court, the six to three majority of them, anyway, refused to bow down to the threats of physical violence issued by the far Left and ruled as being unconstitutional three instances upon which woke progressives and the criminal Biden regime have pinned their futures on. The first case involved using race as a criteria for college admissions, which has gone back for more than fifty years, to President Johnson's failed "Great Society" and "Affirmative Action." "Affirmative Action," on the face of it, was supposed to make up for discrimination Blacks faced after the Civil W

Rochester's One Party "Democratic" System! Shades of the Defunct Soviet Union!

  Ahh, the good old days of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union! Claiming to be "democratic," the Soviets featured regular "free" elections. Voters were handed ballots that sported the names of various candidates for various offices. All were card-carrying Communists approved of by the party. No other parties were represented. Voters were allowed to "choose" between the same sort of candidates, which fulfilled the theory if not the spirit of Democracy. Sort of like the Democratic Party's stranglehold on politics in the City of Rochester. Most of my European friends and acquaintances are fascinated by this concept of one-party rule in a so-called democracy, since they have a variety of parties representing different points of view that actively participate in the political process, which makes for some very lively election campaigns. It becomes even more amusing to explain what goes on in Rochester's Democratic Primary, which takes place tomorro

A Postcard From Froendenberg to Rochester: Absence Doesn't Make the Heart Grow Fonder.

And a distance of over 3,000 miles doesn't improve the way it looks, either! I have been spending a lot more time in Europe these days, specifically in Germany. I know that there are certain people in Rochester who are delighted to have me gone, while they don't seem to understand that I find it more refreshing and peaceful to be away from our dying hometown. But then, those people don't seem to understand my extremely low opinion of them. I am long past the point where their opinion means anything to me. Thanks to the internet and instantaneous news reporting, it is easy to keep abreast of what goes on in the world, even about Rochester, New York. Apparently, our city "leaders" are either unaware of that fact or simply don't care how Rochester is perceived across the world. It isn't flattering. When people ask where I am from, I tell them. It is not my job to lie for our city government. That's what City Hall's Communications Department gets paid

Camilla's Tampon Wannabe is Crowned King: The End of Bread and Circuses for the UK!

For the last several years, the media has been paying a God-awful amount of attention to the British monarchy. Brexit, the collapsing economy, the illegal alien issue, the disintegrating social fabric and the political instability of its ruling elites have all taken rear seats to the antics of the costly and anachronistic House of Windsor.  In the last year, the struggling British taxpayer has been stuck footing the bill to fete the Royal Family three times, spending hundreds of millions of pounds during a time of economic hardship. First, there were the festivities surrounding the "Platinum Jubilee" of Queen Elizabeth the Second. Only the video of the Queen taking tea with Paddington Bear was delightful and heartwarming. It was the least expensive of the lot. That quite wore the Queen out, because in barely four months' time she was dead and then there were ten odd days of activities and rituals leading up to her internment. That wasn't cheap either. Today her son wa

The Coronation: The Man Who Wanted to be Reincarnated as Camilla's Tampon Will be Crowned King!

Hereditary monarchy is an anachronism, conceived in the mists of a distant, more primitive and more superstitious past. The British monarchy is the ultimate expression of this concept. To me, it is is completely ludicrous. Based on the conquest of a kingdom by a distant ancestor, his descendants have a "right" to rule over the "little people," with whom they have nothing in common. It is a system of inequality, of superior and inferior classes, with the vast majority of the populace being inferior to the hereditary monarchy and aristocracy, since the whole thing is based on the accident of birth, not intelligence or accomplishments. And all the heirs to the throne have to do is wait around until the monarch dies. That is their only purpose in life, the only thing they were born for. The coronation is the ultimate celebration of the concept of monarchy, the zenith of an enforced period of waiting that the heir to the throne must endure. King Charles III, nearly 75 ye

Be Afraid! Be Very, Very Afraid! Sloppy Joe and the Braying Jackass Are Running in 2024!

On Tuesday, April 25 US President, Sloppy Joe Biden, announced that he would be running for re-election in 2024. It was an underwhelming announcement, since he had been saying that he would for weeks now, despite obvious evidence of his increasing senility and impaired motor functions. Rather than make this announcement during a specially summoned press conference, surrounded by members of his family and political supporters, he relied upon a tacky video, previously constructed, to accomplish this. Using stock footage, mostly of the January 6, 2021, clown show in Washington DC, he made outrageous lies and blamed Republicans for all of this country's woes, and that he was running again to "finish the job" he had started. What has been clear to most intelligent observers is that "the job" he was engaged in was the destruction of the United States, both as a world super power and a coherent domestic political entity. His regime has been a frightening example of a g