
Ahh, the Magic of Childhood! Meet Rochester, New York's Latest Teen Age Murderers!

  Rochester is the deadliest city, per capita, in New York State. That is no mean accomplishment for a medium-size city of little more than 200,000 souls, especially when compared to New York City, with more than 8 million people residing within its cramped borders. This, of course, does not include hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that have turned up in our sanctuary cities, who have been allowed to fly underneath the radar, courtesy of Joe Biden's open border with Mexico. Despite all of the hype promoting Rochester, paid for by the Chamber of Commerce, the fact is that Rochester is a dangerous place to live, work and play. And to raise children. The public school system is an abomination, the worst in New York State and one of the worst in the country, yet the same people, or at least the same sort of people, keep getting elected to the School Board, which means no real positive changes will occur. Real changes in our school system would require scrapping the woke progress

The Hamas Nazis are NOT "Militants," They are Terrorists! The Liberals Won't Call a Spade a Spade!

On Saturday, October 7 one of the worst atrocities against the Jewish people of Israel since the Holocaust was perpetrated by the Hamas Nazis of the Gaza Strip. Beginning with the launching of thousands of missiles into Israel hourly, causing death and destruction in their wake, too many for Israel's anti-ballistic system to be effective, things proceeded to get horribly worse. Mind you, since the Hamas Nazis who govern the Gaza Strip are always pleading poverty, one might question where they got the money to afford tens of thousands of missiles. Reminiscent of the Einsatzgruppen during the Second World War, the Hamas Nazis invaded Israel during its sabbath, indiscriminately killing any men, women and children they found. The Hamas Nazis spared no one, killing even babies, by shooting, stabbing, setting fire to and beheading them. Even babies. Eleven Americans that we know of so far are among the victims. There will probably be more. Their orgy of bloodlust included raping women in

Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Wife Has Spoken: Republicans Need to be "Deprogrammed!"

 Billary Clinton has spoken! The wife of ex-president Horndog Bill Clinton, formerly a do-nothing New York Senator, a disastrous Secretary of State, a twice-failed presidential candidate and a cesspit of corruption and conspiracy has now declared Republicans to be a "cult." On Thursday night, the central figure of the "Whitewater Scandal" stated that the leaders of the Republican Party need to be deprogrammed. In communist and authoritarian countries, such deprogramming is carried out in "Reeducation Camps." Dachau, in Nazi Germany, was originally described as just such a camp. Billary, in her hatred of being thwarted by Republicans in her struggle to achieve the presidency, perhaps was too frenzied in her hatred to consider that comparison. Anyone who has stood in her way and has exercised their right to free speech against her therefore must be deprogrammed. That means all Republicans, since the Democrats tend to follow anti-Republican statements like sh

Hello, Life: Goodbye, Columbus! Celebrating One of History's Most Famous Failures!

  October 12 is Columbus Day. Or at least it used to be, because that was the day he "discovered" America in 1492. This year, it is on Monday, October 9. It is a Monday, so federal, state and local government agencies can have a three-day weekend. Schools will be closed, as well. It is a federal holiday, so everyone else has to work that day and everything other than government will be open. The purpose of Columbus Day is to "honor" the man who proved that the Earth wasn't flat and discovered America in the process. Which, of course, wasn't the case. The common myths regarding Columbus have been depicted in a Bugs Bunny cartoon where Columbus appeals to a Mae Westian version of Queen Isabel of Castille and a stereotypical Hispanic King Fernando of Aragon for ships to prove that the world wasn't flat. While funny as Hell, none of it is true. A little background is necessary here. Sixteen hundred years previously, Eratosthenes of Cyrene understood that the

My Peerless Political Prognostications For November, 2023...For Rochester, New York, Anyway...

The Democrats will take every seat they are running for in the City of Rochester, New York this November. That includes the four district City Council seats, the two city court judges and the four school board seats. Why is NOT rocket science. The dying City of Rochester is a one-party town, controlled by the Democrats. The result is visible to all who are unfortunate enough to visit here. Crime, violence, homicide, corruption, physical decay and the worst school district in New York State are just a few of the amusements Rochester has to offer. While Rochester is NOT unique in these respects, since they are common enough in most large Blue cities across America, the parameters of this blog will deal only with our dying city and a few of its environs. Specifically, the effects of one-party rule here, which is maintained by promising "free stuff" to people who are too lazy to work for it, the professional victims whom Democrats buy off. Then, when Democrats are unable to fulfi

Enjoying the Discomfiture of Progressive Democrat "Sanctuary City" Mayors!

There is an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." In spades. A few years ago, several Democratic mayors of large cities, mostly in the northern part of the United States, declared their cities to be "Sanctuary Cities." Notably, these mayors included the cities of New York City, Chicago and even the dying city of Rochester, New York. Unconcerned about their collapsing economies, their huge increases of crime, violence and homicide and their piss-poor public-school systems, these mayors declared that their cities would offer sanctuary to illegal aliens. These mayors declared that they would not permit their law enforcement agencies to assist the federal immigration services to identify, locate, arrest and deport illegal aliens. Their reasons were very simple, and none of them were really concerned about humanitarianism. First, it reaffirmed their pretenses of being progressive Democratic liberals. Second, it cost them virtually nothing, because

Ahh, Schadenfreude! Enjoying Watching the Democrats Going Batshit Crazy Over the Impending Biden Impeachment!

The Democrats are finally learning what goes around comes around! And that Karma is biting them hard on the ass! For seven years, the Democrats and their trusty allies in the liberal news media (notably CNN), on social media, in the Justice Department and the FBI have done their tortured damnedest to demonize Donald Trump in particular and the Republicans in general. To be sure, Donald Trump IS a bombastic, abrasive, megalomaniacal loudmouth who rubbed both the US's friends and foes the wrong way. And to be sure, Donald Trump promoted America's best interests during his tenure in office, unlike his predecessor or the senile jerk who followed him. Twice, because they controlled the House of Representatives at the time, the Democrats were able to have Trump impeached. To their dismay, he was never convicted, largely because the charges they flung against him were based on non-existent evidence and mere political posturing. Which, frankly, is why the Democrats have gone out of the